Monday, September 30, 2019

Taking on the World by Ellen Mac Arthur Analysis.

An Essay to analyse an Extract From â€Å"Taking On the World† By Ellen MacArthur By: Sophie Tulloch 10S1 Throughout the piece of writing, ‘Taking on the World† Dame Ellen MacArthur communicates fear in a lot of different ways, using a lot of different techniques. During this analytical essay I will analyse how she did this and the effect it had. One way that she communicates fear is by using punctuation creatively, an example of this is when she says, â€Å" It would not be difficult to break bones up there†¦ When using an ellipsis, it often indicates that there is unfinished business by doing this it creates suspense and helps keep the reader enthralled in writing. Furthermore it also creates a pause leaving the fate of Ellen MacArthur mingling in the readers mind, I find this effective as it emphasis the riskiness of the job she is about to do. I addition this is also early on in the text an it help bring the readers attention dedication and isolation of h er.The most effective device I feel that was used was a personification an example of this is when Ellen MacArthur writes â€Å"the mast slices† By using personification it emphasizes that she has very little control over the boat while she is up the mast. The word slice has a faster pace and a sharper sound than the rest of the words around it I think this helps represent the simpleness and easiness of such a dangerous movement can lead to a harmful consequence. By doing this it creates suspense and transfix the audience keeping their focus.The last term that I will cover is Nautical terms an example of tis is when she said â€Å"You can’t ease the sheets or take a reef†¦ † The reason that she does this is because her target audience is the sailing community therefore it would be easier to just use these terms rather than explain the whole thing. From another point of view she could have done this to emphasis the complicatedness of her adventure plus it in troduces the Idea that you do not only have to be physically capable and smart you need to be mentally aware nd educated on the surroundings. Although this is quite a small difference I think that it would have a big impact on the audience as this shows the gap between everybody else's knowledge and hers. In conclusion I think that this piece of writing was very well written and the literary devices used help subtly emphasis and introduce the danger and fear of Ellen MacArthurs journey.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Linear Programming to Solve Coal Blending Problem

17th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey- IMCET 2001,  © 2001, ISBN 975-395-417-4 Optimum Blending of Coal by Linear Programming for the Power Plant at Seyitomer Coal Mine K. Erarslan, H. Aykul, H. Akcakoca & N. Cetin Dumlup? nar University, Department of Mining Engineering, 43100, Kutahya, Turkey ABSTRACT: In this study, a linear programming model is developed to determine the optimum coal blend in terms of quality and quantity. Coal with various features is mined from different panels of Seyitomer Lignite Coal District and fed to a nearby power plant.The quality of the coal is extremely variable through the horizontal and vertical directions, which entails the precise planning of coal blending during the mining and stockpiling stages. Otherwise, a large penalty has to be paid to the power plant. In this study, the objective is to match the calorific values required by the power plant. The quality features and production capacities of coal from different panels are determined and are used in quality constraints. The power plant requires coal in two groups, which are of different qualities and quantities.Therefore, two linear programming models complementing each other are developed in order to determine the blending conditions that satisfy the needs of the plant. The models are introduced and solved m the LINDO package program. Reasonable solutions are obtained and optimal amounts of blending are handled. The model also allows the evaluation of coal panels of low quality. 1 INTRODUCTION' Linear Programming (LP) is one of the most widely used methods of operation research for decision problems.This method is a reasonable and reliable procedure for determining the optimum distribution of resources, optimal production, minimum cost, maximum profit, etc. , which comprise the objectives (Ozturk, 1997). In this method, decision parameters to make the objective optimal are linear or assumed to be linear (Taha, 1992, Hillier and Liebermann, 1995). The general form of the problem is formed by objective function and subjected constraints; (1) (2) where; Z= objective of the model Cj = coefficient of/* decision variable (1=1,2 Xj = / * decision variable N) oefficient of decision variable (i=l,2,.. ,m) b, = limited resource for iJ* constraint LP approximation is widely used in mining as well as in other industrial fields. Open pit limits, production scheduling, material flow in processing plants, blending, equipment selection, method selection, transportation, etc. , are its main applications (Chanda and Wilke, 1992, Dijilani and Dowd, 1994, Huang, 1993, Mann and Wilke, 1992, Meyer, 1969, Smith and You, 1995). However, investment, planning, or selection, in other words any actions requiring decision, can be optimized.Especially in open pit mines and underground mines feeding coal to power plants, the quality and quantity of coal is crucial because the burner blocks of power plants are designed according to specific features of co al. Inability to match coal quality and quantity to these specific features results in either penalty costs for the coal enterprise or a decrease in the power plant's efficiency. In addition, inconsistent coal features lead to wear in the power plant's burning units and all integrated components.In this respect, coal-producing enterprises try to match their coal features to power plants' specifications by blending and homogenizing coal extracted from different panels and levels. Satisfying the requirements of the plant is achieved by selective 719 = mining and/or blending. In this study, a relevant case is considered. Seyitomer coal enterprise in Kutahya, Turkey has problems of quality and quantity in supplying the nearby power plant. A well-planned and organized blending procedure and, accordingly, production plan is necessary.In this paper, the problem, is modeled in terms of linear programming and reasonable solutions are obtained. 2 SEYITOMER COAL ENTERPRISE AND ITS PROBLEM Seyi tomer Lignite Enterprise (SLE) is located 20 km. northwest of Kutahya city center. The basin is characterized as Late Miocene-early Pliocene. The lignite seams in Seyitomer basin consist of two horizontal levels (0-7 ° S), referred to as A and B seams, according to their depths. The seams are separated from each other by waste interbedded formations whose thickness vary from 10 to 50 m.These two seams may exhibit variation according to their occurrence in three sub-regions (Seyitomer, Aslanl? , Ayval? ), where the geological coal formation has been determined by drill holes. The thickness of the A seam, located at the top level of the basin, varies in the range of 5-25 m. {Sofrelec, 1967). The thickness of B seam varies in the range of 2-30 m. In the basin, these two seams are rarely observed together. The seam defined as A Is deposited only in the Seyitomer region and the coal occurrences in the Aslanl? nd Ayval? regions. The B seam consists of 3 different sublevels, referred to, from Uie top to the base of the seam, as B[, B2, Bj Their calorific values decrease towards to the seam base as the interbedded layers get thicker. The upper level coal seams B| and B2, which have a high calorific value and are produced in sorted size and quality (+100 mm), have supplied the market for public heating. The B3 coal, which is of low quality and contains fine coal (-100 mm) from the processing plant, is sold to the power plant.At the enterprise, production is performed by the open pit mining method. The overburden, whose thickness varies from 35 to 60 m. , is loosened by drilling and blasting. The stripping method is the excavator and truck and dragline method. The 1 electrical excavators have a 10-yd bucket volume and the dragline has a 70-yd bucket capacity. Production and transportation are also by excavatortruck and loader-truck meu? ods. It is impossible to process the coal with wet washing techniques.For this reason, only crushing, sieving and sorting can be appl ied to the coals of the region. There are three plants working for the power plant and three plants working for the market in the enterprise. The coal is dispatched to the market or the power plant according to its quality. 720 Recently, in terms of quality and quantity the demands of the plant have not been fulfilled and in order to overcome the problem selective mining has been used. Consequently, there is an increasing tendency to use ripping and bulldozers and loaders (Aykul, 2000). APPLICATION OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING IN SLE 3. 1 Definition of the Problem In Seyitomer Coal Mine, six different coal types produced from different panels and levels are treated. The terms for these coals, their average calorific values and annual quantity to be extracted according to Ideal planning are shown in Table 1. These coals need to be blended in accordance with the specifications required by the power plant's burning units. Seyitomer power plant has four burning units. The operating conditions of these units are shown in Table 2.The annual coal requirement of the power plant is 6,000,000 tons: the first three burning units (Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3), with the same requirements, need 4,500,000 tons, while the last burning unit (Unit 4) requires 1,500,000 tons. Table 1. Determined features of coal types according to ideal planning in SLE Coal Type Calorific Amount Value (ton/year) (kcal/kg) FineCoal(-lOO) (From Plants) 1675 2,000,000 Stock of Kizik 1750 800,000 Stock of Marl 1428 > 250,000 B| Level 2000 < 600,000 B; Level 1800 < 600,000 B, Level 1600 > 1,500,000 Table 2.Operating Conditions of Power Plant Power Plant Base Heat Content Grain Size (mm) Units (Kcal/kg) Unit 1 1750 ± 100 0-200 Unit2 1750+100 0-200 Umt3 1750 ± 100 0-200 Unit 4 1600  ± ! 00 0-200 The blending requirements of the coal are as follows: i. Coal coming from the processing plants (fine coal), and that produced from the stock of Kizik, stock of marl, the B3 level, B2 level and B| level can supply Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3. it. Coal produced from the stock of Kizik, stock of marl and B3 level can supply Unit 4.Two different linear models were developed since there are two design specifications in the power plant. Therefore, first, the amount of coal of the B3 level and stock of K? z? k are determined fo. ‘ Unit 4 with the help of the first linear program, and then the rest of the determined amounts are used in the second linear program developed for Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3. After determining these conditions, the main aim is to obtain coal blends that have the maximum heating calorific value in the range of specifications (Kaya, 2000). . 2 Constitution 0/the Model The objective function for Unit 4 maximizing the first blend's calorific value, which has a maximum limitation by the constraints, is shown in Equation 1 : (3) Subjected to Equations 4 to 11: (4) (5) The restrictions are shown in Equations 13 to 21. 4,500,000 (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Here, X2 : Amount of coal from stock of K? z? k, t. Xj : Amount of coal from stock of marl, t. Xe : Amount of coal from B3 level, t.The objective function for Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 maximizing the second blend's calorific value restricted by a subjected constraint is shown in Equation 12. (12) Amount of fine coal from processing plants, t. Amount of coal from stock of K? z? k, t. Amount of coal from B| level, t. Amount of coal from B2 level, t. Amount of coal from B3 level, t. 3. 3 Solutions of Models The LINDO package program is used to solve the models. The optimum quality and quantity results of the final tables for Unit 4 are shown In Table 3 (Kaya, 2000). Table 3 Final results of model for Urul 4 Coal Types Coal Amount Heal Content (ton/year) (kcal/kg) Stock of K? ? k 500. 000* 1750 (X2) Stock of marl (X,) 250,000* 1428 750. 000* 1600 B, Level (X,) 1,500. 000 Blend of Coals 1620 5* h *Optimam values ai 7†² iteration As it may be seen in Table 3, t he blend quality of the coal is found to be 1620 kcal/kg. This value is within the range of the specific design values of Unit 4. The final tables for Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 are shown in Table 4. 721 Table 4. Final results of model for Unit 4 Coal Amount Heat Content Coal Types (ton/year) (kcal/kg) 2,000,000* 1675 Fine coal (Xi) Stock of K? z? k 300,000* 1750

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Key Skills of Management Essay

1. Introduction In this essay I have attempted to describe the key skills of management, in my opinion, and how working with others can develop them. I have drawn on my own experiences as a manager and reinforced my answers with research from the internet and other reference sources. There are various skills needed for good management, some skills are learned others are instilled as a part of that person’s nature. Within this essay I discuss these skills and the importance of good management behaviour. 2. Key skills – my viewpoint I manage four teams, each consisting of 15 members of staff. Within each team is a supervisor whose task is to monitor the running of the operation line and to inform me of any deviation from the norm. I am privileged enough to have a support team of a quality facilitator, two fitters, an electrician and a process engineer, who I direct to assist with the events of the day. Enthusiasm and motivation I am enthusiastic and self-motivated; I maintain this through seeing issues as a challenge and an opportunity to test my skills. If I am enthusiastic then my staff will be encouraged to be motivated too, ‘It’s hard to be productive without enthusiasm.’ (Gates B) Henri Fayol states that there are fourteen principles of management. In principle number seven (Remuneration) Fayol argues that ‘Workers must be paid sufficiently as this is a chief motivation of employees and therefore greatly influences productivity.’ I personally do not feel that this is a chief motivation even though it is a factor but that job satisfaction and also a sense of belonging are greater influences in productivity. Communication I believe it is important to have a pre-shift meeting with the supervisors and run through what is planned for the day. Any concerns are raised prior to the start of the shift, so we have a clear direction of how we are going to achieve these goals. I try to keep meetings informative, constructive yet light and brisk. I feel it is important that we start the day with a can-do attitude. It is important to me that the delivery of any communication is clear, precise and accurate. Communication works two ways and I feel that we only learn by listening. I operate an open door policy, where any member of staff at any level can speak to me. Encouraging growth of people and business I want to encourage growth within the company; in order to do this I develop people by encouraging them to learn new skills and keep up-to-date with processes on the line. The rotation of staff within the production line not only benefits the operator with skills and self worth but also protects the company when manning levels are low. Control of production is constantly developing and shifts with new products, technology and tools. Clear instruction is given to staff to embrace and use these as a way forward for the success of the company and maintain our position as leaders in the world market. Following policies I follow the company policies in all aspects of my work and with discipline. I feel I am firm but fair; I nip things in the bud and deal with conflict in a calm, mature and professional manner. I am trustworthy and always deal with matters with integrity. Respect Respect plays an important role in getting results from staff. I respect everyone and work hard to earn respect from my staff by being a team player and not taking my role for granted. I have worked on every process on each line to different skill levels and am aware of the requirements of each job. I would never expect any member of staff to complete a task I would not do myself. Understanding customers It is important to understand the expectations of customers, to achieve these within the budget and on time. In order to achieve this we work closely to a plan, delivering on time and in full (OTIF). Feedback It is important that recognition is given on a regular basis to staff that are doing well and like wise, support is given to staff who find things a struggle. It is easier to rectify any non-conformance at the very beginning than letting bad habits form. The ability to explain things that are incorrect and how to rectify them is an important management quality. Resolving issues Whenever a major problem comes to light, I tend to bring key skilled personnel such as quality facilitators, department manager, shift manager, manufacturing supervisors, process engineers, fitters, electricians or operators into a brain storming session. We utilise the skills we have developed and use management tools such as, the ‘Ishikawa diagram’, or known to myself as the ‘Fishbone diagram’. Each personnel would have a valuable input using the knowledge that they have obtained from their own perspective. Cause Cause Cause Cause Cause Figure 1: Fishbone diagram as based on the original by Kaoru Ishikawa. In these sessions, we systematically work through inputs that could cause the effect that we see and then place a frame around the problem to find out what is, and is not a possible factor. Further investigation is made into these probable causes until the root of the issue is found. It is extremely important to use all of the skills at hand to have a complete overview. 3. Conclusion Throughout this essay I have explored the use of what are in my opinion, the most important skills to have as a manager. It is not intended as an exhaustive list, but a sample of the many ways people manage. In my opinion the most important skills of management are being able to project manage and coordinate while also having leadership qualities, or personable skills. In the words of John C Maxwell, â€Å"Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course.† Within this essay I have explored the nature of the key skills and have shown that in working together with staff, results can be achieved by following these rules.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Specific Learning difficulties and disabilities that restrict language Essay

Specific Learning difficulties and disabilities that restrict language acquisition - Essay Example xia, determine identification processes and to explore effective language theories that help learners with dyslexia and dyspraxia achieve at a higher degree in literacy and language acquisition. The underlying rationale is to avoid inappropriate referrals to special education services or inappropriate non-referrals. Since my work involves identification of learning disabilities, assessments and referrals, this research is very important for how I can improve my success rate and help teachers formulate appropriate teaching strategies. This is important for all learners, particularly learners with learning disabilities. An inappropriate program can be a significant barrier to learning and will only exacerbate the learning disabilities manifested by dyslexia and dyspraxia. Students who have these learning conditions and are either overlooked or erroneously placed or are in programmes that are inappropriate for them can develop feelings of isolation, low self-confidence, low self-esteem and can develop/increase their feelings of isolation, low self-confidence, low self-esteem and might foster negative attitudes toward the school school organization with the results that barrier s to learning become even more complicated (Ball, Chapter 4). This research is particularly important for my position in the Skills for Life department because my organization has a SLDD curriculum but it does not include dyslexia. Moreover, students manifesting signs of dyslexia or dyspraxia are typically sent to the Skills for Life department for resolution. Making matters worse the Skills for Life department does not have a dyslexia specialist rendering the treatment of dyslexic students entirely inadequate. This research will help me to identify areas where SLDD can respond more adequately to students with dyspraxia difficulties and will draw their attention to these difficulties and I can provide strategies for helping dyslexic students. These strategies will include curriculum

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Challenges facing the succession of family owned businesses in Saudi Dissertation

Challenges facing the succession of family owned businesses in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example Family based businesses in Saudi Arabia face major challenges in the form of operating in a difficult global economy as well as managing the overall transition phase of the business to a new generation of family control. In order to survive and grow and make a place among those elite family based businesses that have been able to achieve long lasting global success the companies has to domesticated the restless entrepreneur conditions and design long term strategies to manage the business. Structured steps can help the companies’ o gain log lasting success. This has to start with the steep revolution of the existing business portfolios. The process may actually include divestment, product differentiation to develop a long term growth strategy along with the structuring the internal operations of the firms. Here, it is to be mentioned that all these can be achieved by retaining the emotional attachments to the businesses. The same kind of dedication and discipline is needed to clip the portfolio of the businesses has to be applied to analyze new investment policies. This may call for a situation where family members have to invest in activities that are quite different from that of the activities of the firm. Developing a formal corporate governance mechanism to monitor business activities is likely to be another crucial step that the families may have to take to achieve long term success. This may even involve the recruitment of outside talent and initiating org anizational change. The present study looks to analyze all these factors. This study will help to observe the aspects of family own business in Saudi Arabia and certain succession aspects within family business. In order to achieve the objective of the research, physiological attitudes, theories of culture, and several legal and socio-cultural aspects have been studied. The integration of these aspects will influence the results and outcomes. The phrase family business is familiar both within Western and Eastern countries. According to Chua and Chrisman family business is acknowledged as a business managed to shape and follows a vision held by a leading alliance controlled by a member of a family. One objective of family business is to control and manage the business in order to sustain for the future generation. However, all members in a family are in the same

Career opportunities- Sports information director and Media relations Essay

Career opportunities- Sports information director and Media relations coordinator - Essay Example should possess good verbal and written communications, interpersonal relations, good presentation skills, and ability to work a flexible schedule (Gresham, 2015). According to Gresham (2015), to become a sports information director, one needs to pursue a degree in marketing, communication or sports. Further, one needs to get certification from the College Sports Information Directors of America to show that one has knowledge and acumen to succeed. The media relations coordinator acts as the principal point of contact for all public and media relations efforts. They engage in shaping and propagating the broad communication strategies that will influence the audiences (Loughborough University, 2010). The entry level of a media relations officer includes a bachelor’s degree in communication, public relations or any other related field. One also needs knowledge and experience with media monitoring software, online media databases, excellent attention to details, and proficiency in computer skills, ability to work independently, excellent written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills and good networking skills (Marketing, 2012). To become a public relations coordinator, one needs to go through the general education. The person should have the ability to communicate fluently both in writing and in speech. One should also get training in marketing, communications and writing. Additionally one should be networked by joining the Public Relations Student Society of America. One should also get to go for internships while in school to gain the hands-on knowledge (Marketing,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reentry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reentry - Essay Example While serving the sentence they could be subjected to mental abuse or mental health treatment. This results in less and less people participating in vocational or pre-release educational programs. Without the skill sets required to survive, with the police record that cant be wiped or erased, no family accepting or supporting them and no where to go, great majority is re arrested in less than six months. It probably would be easy to pick people for the crimes they have committed as it is a necessary act for smooth and safe functioning of the society. However reintegrating them into the society is a task that seems an undaunted perpetual problem. As the number of ex-convicts continues to grow, their alienation poses as a threat to the society, which their imprisonment is expected to protect. The story of Jean Sanders narrated by Amanda Ripley in Living on the Outside touches all the issues faced by the ex-convict. Jean was picked by the law several times for petty drug dealing and car thieving. All he wanted was a normal life. His struggle is a representative case. During the 1990s America witnessed multiplying of prisons. It was forgotten that the more are locked inside, the more needed to be released. Rehabilitation was not the game of the day. Outside the prisons the Federal Government restricted welfare and housing facilities to the ex-criminals. In such case, when no education to support, no vocational training, a non-accepting society and family who is not ready to take in, these ex-criminals turn to crime again. This has also resulted in the law enforcing system turning into supervisory system. Sanders had to make valiant efforts to pick up a better job. He is unable to do manual labor due to injury caused during imprisonment. This is again representative as most ex-criminals have serious health and medical problems. The parolees are expected to do several reporting. As quoted in the article, â€Å"the system is designed

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Technology of Gender Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Technology of Gender - Assignment Example Over the passage of time, with greater representation of women in the workforce, gender has become confined to family matters and insensitivity toward gender is found in the social framework. The technology of gender is the term used to refer to those sets of cultural practices which play a role in making a body gendered. This course’s theoretical basis is the conceptualization and articulation of the human body within particular discourses of culture that include but are not limited to religion, law, medicine, and economy. These discourses are based on the deepest cultural ideologies and belief systems and jointly form a framework that dictates particular ways in which men and women should think, behave, and interact with one another and with the environment. Four propositions made in the article when mentioned chronologically in decreasing order of self-evidence include; gender is a representation, this representation is the construction of gender, the process of gender cons truction is as effective today as it was in the past, and the deconstruction of gender affects its construction. In this article, the author has complimented upon the perception of ideology as being without outside. The author suggests that there does exist an outside to ideology, â€Å"a place from where ideology can be seen for what it is – mystification, imaginary relation, wool over one’s eyes; and that place is†¦scientific knowledge† (de Lauretis). I would like to second the author in this because science does provide an explanation for a phenomenon on the basis of objective reasoning and logic. Characterization of the subject of feminism by the movement as ideological representation in and out of the gender is a back and forth movement between gender representation and what is made unrepresentable by the gender.

Monday, September 23, 2019

College admissions essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

College admissions - Essay Example I came to this conclusion about a year ago when I had the unfortunate experience of watching both friends and family members struggle with cancer. While at the hospital, I observed caring oncologists and other healthcare professionals, (including radiation technicians) assisting these people through their most trying situations with care and compassion. It is for this reason that I became inspired, and I realized that this was the career path I should have chosen. My long-term goals include continuing my education; as I enjoy growing, learning, and evolving as a professional. I also know that whatever I do I want to help people and make a difference in their lives, even if it is only a small contribution. As a young college student I didn't comprehend all the positions that were available within the healthcare industry that would satisfy my duel fascinations with science and the human body. Therefore, at the time, I pursued a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education; with a concentration on fitness and wellness. However, I soon learned that the scope of available employment for this degree can be somewhat limiting, and so, found myself working in the field of nuclear energy. As I mentioned, I enjoy learning and expect to accomplish my goal of becoming a radiation technician in approximately one year.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Macbeth coursework act 3 scene 4 Essay Example for Free

Macbeth coursework act 3 scene 4 Essay Macbeth is so important in this scene because its all about him in this scene and every thing that happens is revolving round him. Before this Banquo was killed by Macbeths hired murderers. During this scene Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the lords are in the dining hall. They are celebrating Macbeth becoming king of Scotland, Macbeth starts to make a toast to celebrate the event when one of the murderers runs in and tells him that Banquo is dead. Macbeth then says,to our beloved friend who will be greatly missed. After this Macbeth walks back to his seat to see Banquo sitting there in his seat reaching out to him drenched in blood. Macbeth is extremely shocked he drops his cup and gasps. Macbth starts to panic and walks back still staring at the seat where he saw Banquos apparition and says, dont shake thy gory locks at me. In this particular age people really believed in ghosts and the supernatural. They also believed that you really would go to hell if you committed mortal sins in your life .They also believed that only god could make a man into a king and only god could take his life and if anyone were to take it into their own hands would pay dearly. ` Everything was going considerably smoothly up until this point at the banquet. Everything before this was quite relaxed until an excited mood starts to kick in during the banquet and it gets the audience excited and ready for more exciting stuff to happen. It sets an edgy unrelaxed and chaotic mood. We learn that Macbeth is now at this stage very paranoid and scared. Scared that someone will find out about what he has done and scared of the consequences. He knows deep down that he will have to keep killing to cover all this up and that is what he scared of. He said he would rather face a tiger than to keep on fighting with these ghosts and apparitions. Lady Macbeth constantly tries to reassure Macbeth that everything is all right and tries to calm down the lords who are present throughout all the commotion. She assures the worried lords that he will be fine saying on a thought he will be alright again. Macbeth is loosing it and is saying things to the lords which of you have done this in a very accusing manner. Ross then seems very concerned for Macbeth as he says what sights my lord, because Macbeth is the only one in the room who can see this apparition. In other words Ross is asking what are you seeing in these hallucinations. Macduff does not attend the banquo because he suspects Macbeth to be up to something mischievous and becoming king so quickly. This does not help Macbeth and Duncans grudge between each other as we see them fight later on in the play. After the banquet Macbeth is talking to Lady Macbeth still very shaken and anxious by what happened he says to her it will have blood they say and blood will have blood. He also says, I am in blood steeped so far that should I wade no more returning were as tedious as go o er.Which basically means that that he is in this too deep now and he cant get out of the trouble he has landed himself in. Which is the constant state of paranoia guilty conciseness and regret he is in and cant get out of. The symbolism in this scene during the banquet is the ghost of Banquo. It is a symbol of Macbeths guilt and the terrible thing he has done to his one time good friend Banquo. The blood also shows symbolism in a way that blood will have more blood. It might mean he may have to keep killing if he wishes to remain out of the list of suspects of murderers In other words he will kill any who oppose him or try to prove that he was the one who killed banquo and king Duncan. There is a lot of dramatic effectiveness in this scene. The moods change very suddenly during the banquet scene when Macbeth was making a speech the last thing you thought you were going to see is the bloody ghost of Banquo sitting there calling out to Macbeth. And before this it was all merriment with the lords all gathered round the table eating drinking and chatting to each other and all of a sudden this happened. There was also a lot of dramatic effectiveness in the language that was used such as dont shake thy gory locks at me, they say blood will have blood, what man dare, I dare approach the rugged Russian bear, the armed rhino or the hyrcan tiger, take any shape but that my firm nerves shall never tremble. A lot of dramatic effectiveness was used to make this scene, powerful, shocking, gripping and in some parts frightening. A Shakespearean audience would be very surprised and excited watching a play of Macbeth. This is because back then the upper rich class who by the way would have been the only kind of people who would have seen this play, would not be as used to bloody and violent scenes as there are in Macbeth. So Shakespeare was in a way quite ahead of his time when it came to writing plays. On the other hand a modern audience would not in my opinion act too shocked at the frightening bits of this scene as modern society are more hardened toward violence. This scene is one of the main thrilling scenes in the play and I think that is important because it adds that thrilling element that I think a lot of plays and films need to not stay too boring and one noted. The Mcbeth play was written for the ruling king james who was in power at that time and for the rich audience of the shakespearian era.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Social Issues In Indian Cinema

Social Issues In Indian Cinema Despite its vacillation between the two extremes of sometimes being awfully responsible and at others outright sensational, Indian cinemas efforts in mirroring social reality deserves to be applauded. If popular perception is an indicator, a major part of the social transformation in India can be attributed to cinema social reformist role. The drive to link success of a film to box office returns have undoubtedly led to cinemas commercialisation at the cost of its social and developmental goals. But, despite the commercially driven attempts to cater escapist and fantasy-oriented entertainment, a good part of Indian films continues to be social theme carriers. These films enjoy a unique advantage of remaining out of the censor tangles. Of course, a prominent question remains to be answered is whether cinema can influence and change society. This paper attempts to answer this question through a historical review of the Hindi films. 1.0 Introduction: Lumiere brothers pet invention cinematograph on December 28, 1895, destined to emerge as second opium of the people, completed hundred years of awe-inspiring journey in India. It was in 1912 the first Indian feature film Pundalik was released followed by the Dhundiraj Govind Phalkes fully indigenous feature film Raja Harischandra in 1913. There was no looking back, Indian cinema kept on adding innovative features, both technical and artistic, from time to time to emerge as one of the greatest and most influential film industries in the world. The original camera, the projector, and the screen used by the France brothers have undergone metamorphosis to a stage of cinemas complete digitalization, thanks to innovations in technology. The transformation in characterization and sequencing of narratives is no less important, and so also the cinematic themes. From a stage of being viewed as an art, culture, and entertainment cinema has gradually emerged as an industry driven by profit. The change, indeed, is amazing. But, of the few features which continues to be nurtured is cinemas role as a tool of social transformation. Cinema arrived to India on 7th July, 1896 and first screened at Watsons Hotel in Bombay, latter to be shifted to the Novelty Theatre, by two employees of the Lumiere brothers where in living photographic pictures pictures of man and women, who breathed, moved and danced, were screened. So intrigued and overwhelmed at the screenings at Bombay that many of those who viewed the screenings themselves took to the business of film screening by the very next year. Film making activity started in India by the turn of the 20th century, the earliest short films being photographed in India included such titles as Cocoanut fair the Wrestlers Splendid new views of Bombay and Taboot procession. Harishchandra Sakharam Bhatvadekar shot a wrestling matchand training monkeys by wandering madaris as Indias first factual films then called topicals. Feature film production in India began with Dada Saheb R.G. Torneys Pundalik (Silent, 1909-1911), a devotional subject adopted from a popular stage play. The film was shot with the assistance of a cameraman of Bourne and Shephard, a local firm of photographers and photo equipment, developed and printed in London and released on May 18, 1912 at the coronation Theatre. Dhundraj Govind (Dadasaheb) Phalkes Raja Harishchandrawas released at the Coronation Theatre, Bombay, on May 13, 1913, as Indias first fully indigenous full length feature film. Indias first film comedy, first satire and one of the earliest to have a contemporary theme, making a radical departure from the prevalent trend of devotionals England Returned (Bilet Pherat) was made by Dhirendranath Ganguly in 1921. The Modern era of Indian cinema began with the production of talkies beginning with Ardeshir Iranis Alam Ara in 1931. The invention of talkies boosted the growth of Indian film Industry, and the number of feature films produced in India registered a steady increase year after year. During 1930s and 1940s filmmakers tried to reflect tough social issues on screen or used the struggle for Indian independence as a backdrop for their plots. With India attaining freedom, the issue emerged as a popular topic of Indian cinema makers. Films like Majboor-1948, Shaheed-1948, Samadhi, 26 January rode in popularity. In the late 1950s, Bollywood released its lavish romantic musicals and melodramas casting successful actors like Dev Anand, Dilip Kumar and Raj Kapoor and actresses like Nargis, Meena Kumari, Nutan and Madhubala. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, romance movies and action films starring actors like Rajesh Khanna , Dharmendra, and Manoj Kumar had the sway. By mid-1970s, romantic confections made way for gritty, violent films about gangsters and bandits which created stars out of Amitabh Bachchan, Mithun Chakraborty and Anil Kapoor supported by actresses like Hema Malini, Jaya Bachchan and Rekha. In the mid-1990s, family-centric romantic musicals returned with resounding success of films like Hum Aapke Hain Kaun (1994) and Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995) based on the artistic acumen of actors such as Aamir Khan, Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan and actresses such as Sridevi, Madhuri Dixit, Karisma Kapoor and Kajol. Nana Patekar, Ajay Devgan, Manisha Koirala, Tabu and Urmila Matondkar were among the critically acclaimed actors of this generation. In the 2000s, spreading of Bollywoods popularity at the global level drove Indian film making to new heights in terms of quality, cinematography and innovative story lines as well as technical quality advances. Big production houses, like Yash Raj Films and Dharma Productions came to the fore front of film making. In the new millennium the Hindi film industry started its transformation into an industry that tried to get to grips with the business realities of moviemaking. The gradual corporatization of Bollywood resulted in increasing investment, efficient use of resources, generating accountability and reducing monetary losses by curbing piracy and enforcing transparency. Corporate entities Adlabs, Applause films, IDBI, EXIM etc. participate at various stages of the film industry like exhibition, funding, film making and processing, or all. Profit emerges as the driving force of film making in the country. To be precise, patriotic themes of Indian cinema made way for social reform, which undergoes change to embraces fashion of the day while still carrying messages of social reform, then turns out to a fighter to protect the institutions of democracy and freedom. A gamut of issues got representation in Indian cinema-from freedom to unemployment, from poverty to exploitation, from dowry to womens emancipation, from social conflict to national integration, from education to fantasy oriented entertainment. With the transformation of the society, the issues confronting it kept on changing and so also the themes adopted for film making. 1.1 Films on Social Issues Cinema is a mirror of social reality holds good beyond doubt if one looks back at the thematic treatment of Indias mainstream cinema. From the very early years, Indian feature film developed the admirable ability of focusing on different facets of Indian life. The cinemas concerns with social problems continue to be overtly expressed from the thirties, right through to the sixties, in a handful of most significant films. Hindi cinemas golden period in the thirties and the forties did bring forth films not merely presenting but tackling burning issues. How intellectual labour fights al-mighty capital, how young girls revolt against marriage with an old man, how life supersedes love, how inter-communal bliss is thrown asunder by the outside forces, how widows could be remarried and fallen women resurrected , how dowry could lead to tragedy and how convicts could be reformed, how the veneer of westernizing could ruin marriage and friendship, how the rural economy could be freed from the clutches of landlords and money lenders, how the untouchables and other underdogs could be given a more humane life and several such thorny problems were flashed across the countrys screens. In case of fatalism and tragic end, it was a mute protest mean to arouse the collective conscience against the various barriers. Films which talk so directly and movingly about the wrongs of society went onto influence it and shape i t along better lines. Dhirendra Nath Gangulys film the England returned made in 1922, was used as a means to get the audience to think of a social situation in which Indians had been imitating their foreign rulers and creating for themselves new problems within their own society. In 1925, Baburao Painter made the film Savkari Pash which painted an extremely realistic picture of the Indian poor, in the rural vast land, focusing on rural-indebtedness, feudal oppression, the poverty of the peasantry and myriad of problems. In the most outstanding film of the silent era of Indian cinema Savkari Pash, V, Santaram and Kamaladevi enacted the role of an oppressed farmer couple having to suffer both famine and the oppression of the Zamidari system. There were brave efforts to create similar thematic films commenting on the other social ills of Indian society. It is the arrival of the talkie film which brought to fore the contribution of Indian cinema in bringing about social awareness among the Indians to improve their status and remove age-old taboos which young India could ill afford. The period between 1931 and 1946 should be considered as the golden era of cinema of social comment. One is left amazed at the variety of films which Indian cinema of its time picked up for public debate. It is necessary to recall some of these films and their themes to impress upon the reader that Indian cinema even at its worst, was far better in its commitment to its audience and its society. Indian cinema tackled the problems of western culture clashing with Indian (Indira Ma, 1934); protested against arranged mirages and social barriers (Dev Das, 1935); protested against the caste barriers and religious bigotry (Achhut Kanya, 1936), Achhut (1940), promoted Hindu widow remarriage (Bal Yogini, 1936); fought against marriage of young girls with old persons, Duniya Na Mane (1937) and highlighted economic and social disparity (Adhikar, 1938). Indian cinema fought against rural indebtedness in K.A. Abass Dharitri ke Lal (1949); highlighted the problems of alcohol in Brandi Chi Batli (1939), Angoori (1943). The welfare of scheduled castes was highlighted in Malla Pilla, while widow remarriage was the theme of Sumangali. The ills of Zamidari system were highlighted in Raitu Bidda (1940), while the problem of the educated unemployed were best described in Vande Mataram(1948).The problems of unwed mothers was described in film Devta; while the events of dowry was best complimented upon in Dahej(1950). Achhut kanya suggested inter-caste mirages between high and low caste people. Mehbbos Aurat and Mother India, Vimal Roys Do Bigha Zamin and Sujata, Dilip Kumars Ganga Jamuna and Sunil Duttas Mujhe Jeeno Do focused on the socio-economic causes of the very Indian problem. 1.2 Sex and Violence in Indian Cinema Bollywoods sense of commitment to mirror social reality has hardly remained untouched by market force influences. Despite cinema being born in a form to creatively portray social reality, the drive to link success of a film to box office returns eventually led to its commercialisation. Profit prioritisation overpowering its social and developmental goals, obscenity and lewdness emerged as an integral feature of Indian cinema. The official censor history reveal that the film MERI AWAZ SUNO (1981) was first granted an A certificate, but was subsequently suspended citing that the film depicts excessive violence. In 1994, the film BANDIT QUEEN was suggested for 17 cuts especially scenes of frontal nudity. The film KAMA SUTRA- A TALE of LOVE (1996), was denied a certificate citing it pornographic only to be certified after two scenes of nudity were erased. The film FIRE (1998), which explicitly screened the homosexual relationships between two women (often termed as lesbianism), resulted in violent protest against it which forced the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to refer it back to the Censor Board for review. The anti-war and anti-nuclear documentary film Jung-aur-aman (War and Peace) as the censors claimed, suggested a bias against the minority Muslims when aid was distributed after the Gujrat earth quake 2001. The list of such films touched by censor wrangles for depicting sex and violence gets longer even if the country emerges as the most prolific film producing country in the world. At times it is sex, at times it is excessive violence (Aakrosh, 2003), at others it is kissing on screen (Khwaish), even at others it is smoking on screen (God Mother, 1999, Pyar -To-Hona Hi Tha). Though the issues of censor contention generally revolved round sleaze, sensuality, sexuality, nudity and permissiveness, overdose of obscenity and lewdness has been doing more harm to the image of the Bollywood. Sometimes sex and violence is deliberately incorporated to attract viewers, though family melo-dramas are no less popular. 1.3 Social Impacts of Films Any discussion on films and society confronts a vital question dose cinema have any impact on the society. There are two schools of thought on this issue among film makers. One line of thinking believe that films can never affect or reform the social body or the events taking place within it, but the other believes that the medium does have a direct or indirect impact on social streams, even though it may not be immediately perceptible. The former cites the example that just after a couple of excellent anti-war films were exhibited, the second world war engulfed humanity hence cinema cannot and should not offer any solutions for social problems raised by its writer and directors, by its content and style. The mere exposition of the problem is enough and there ends cinemas artistic obligation as well as compulsion. The later, however, stretches cinemas role further to promote a thought process and line of action where by the viewers are provoked into trying a change for the better. Fi lms, which talked directly and movingly about the wrongs of society, go on to influence it and shape it along better lines. The most important contribution of cinema to society is that by sheer usage it has grown to be a standard reference for most kinds of questions and situations, where elementary knowledge and practice are needed (Rangoonwalla, 1995:7). The mass mind picks up such points largely and stores them in some mental corner, to be reactivated while seeking or giving answers and guidance. Some of the life patterns and conclusions propagated by them could be having social repercussions below the outer of everyday life. Violence, crime and sex are made to look easy and frivolous, without much of retribution to follow. The magic of cinema is virtually unfathomable. The very mention of cinema conjures up a rainbow of captivating images. A vital aspect of Indian cinema is its unifying character. The Indian films have been subtly albeit consistently promoting the ideas of national integration and communal harmony. A part of the socio-economic cultural transformation can be attributed to the cinema as films usually generate social mobility, fluidity and an overall sense of oneness among people of different backgrounds (Rangoonwalla, 1995:7).The society is ripe with cases of crimes and criminals being emulated from the screen and so also the attitude to suicide as a way of dejection, mostly in love. Fashion including smoking and drinking, in many cases, are inspired from cinema characters. The vast fan followings of stars like Rajesh Khanna, Amitabh Bachhan, Mithun Chatkrabothy are eloquent testimony to the social impacts of films. A study by Dr. Sativa Bhakry shows that Cinema can play both positive as well as negative roles in society. It can have positive impacts in terms of providing entertainment, enhancing information and knowledge, sensitizing people about urgent issues of society, in creating sociability and offering catharsis. It offers release from tensions of daily life. Cinema can also play an equally negative role in teaching wrong values, generating social and sexual violence and crime, providing escape from reality into a dream world of fantasy instead of facing up to the problems of life, encouraging adoption of destructive role models and in encouraging cynicism about social institutions (Bhakhry, 1995:71-76). 1.4 Freedom of Artistic Expression and its Limits Article 19(1) (a) of the Indian Constitution guarantees to every citizen of India the right to freedom of speech and expression; also assures the freedom of media, though it is not separately stated. This right to freedom of speech and expression includes within it, the right to collect and receive information from anywhere and through any legitimate means, the right to disseminate information and express opinion (Sawant, 1997). The freedom granted under 19(1) (a) is not absolute, and is subject to restrictions contained in Article 19(2) of the Indian constitution. The restrictions have, of course to be reasonable meaning there by that; they must have a direct nexus with ground on which they are imposed. But, to extend the scope of censorship to considerations of public taste and ban a mater which does not fall within the limits of the reasonable restrictions clause would not be legal(Vasudev,1979). Again, the media, when run as a business, is also subject to the restrictions, which may be imposed by the state on any business, under Article 19(6) of the constitution. Cinema as a medium of mass communication is also subjected to restrictions contained in article 19(2) of the constitution and set out in section 5-B of the Indian Cinematograph (Amendment) Act, 1959. In a celebrated Supreme Court judgment in 1970, in the case brought before it by K.A. Abbas, regarding his film A Tale of Four Cities declared that, Censorship falls under constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech and expression and that while pre censorship of films does not contravene those guarantees per se, is still a justifiable issue and cannot be decided by a government official (Dayal, 1987). The Supreme Court said, Censorship in India (and pre-censorship is not different in quality) has full justification in the field of exhibition of cinema films and the censorship imposed on the making and exhibition of films is in the interest of the society. If the regulations venture into something, which goes beyond the legitimate opening to restrictions, they can be questioned on the ground that a legitimate power is being abused. We hold, therefore, that censorship of films, including prior restraint, is justified under our constitution (Vasudev, 1978). Platos polemics of art and artists urged strict censorship of the arts because of their influence on moulding peoples characters. Using his theory of forms, Plato claimed that artists and poets couldnt usually explain their works; as they are seized by irrational inspiration, a sort of divine madness. Therefore, the vital opinions of the community could be shaped by law and that men could be penalized for saying things that offended public sensibilities, undermined common morality, or subverted the institutions of the community. Acclaimed film critic and a spiritual champion of the right to freedom of expression, Noel Burch (1973) claimed I doubt if anybody will advocate freedom from interference of the state machinery to be extended to the commercial exploitation of a powerful medium of expression and entertainment like cinema. One can imagine the result if an unbridled commercial cinema is allowed to cater to the lowest common denominator of popular taste. Freedom of expression, therefore, cannot and should not be interpreted as a license for the cinemagnates to make money by pandering to and thereby propagating, shoddy and vulgar taste. While emphasizing the role of cinema as a vehicle of modernism, Indias first Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru has also advocated some amount of social control to ward off its bad effects (Vasudev, 1978:107). Tanuja Chandra claims that the artists have every right to give expression to the work of art and viewers have an equal right to reject it, if they do not like it either in part or whole. The entertainment part of cinema, she argues is of much important than the emotional part. Veteran actor turned Member of Parliament Satrughna Sinha claims that in a country like India films reach the widest possible and most diversified audience. As a medium of mass communication it can exercise the most tremendous and potent influence on the public. The rampant use of blatant sex and gruesome violence (as commodities for sale by the producers) can terribly shake a nation; the ruinous elements can easily shatter the society before the common law can give protection (TOI, 2006). John Dayal Claims that more and more people, especially the younger, look forward to watch the blatant display of sex and violence on the screen. If this virus is allowed to the artery of our national blood, the society will be infested with unruly elements with hardly any care for our social values and traditional tenets, which will eventually lead to chaos and anarchy in the society. Curbs are, therefore, necessary to protect the moral health of the nation and to ensure that cinema does not hurt the sensibilities or interests of the extraordinarily heterogeneous people that constitute the Indian nation (Dayal, 1987:61). 1.5 Research Design and Methods Analyzing a complex issue like social impacts of films demands a multidisciplinary approach. A historical review of the Hindi films reveals the presentation of social issues in contrast to other issues in Indian cinema. A review of cinema as a means of artistic expression provides pertinent clues about the social impacts of cinema. Constitutional and legal provisions, judgments of Supreme Court and High Courts, observations of various committees and commissions, legal adjudications on film censorship decisions, decisions of the Censor Board, and the policy guidelines issued from time to time provide an appropriate background for understanding the legal status of right to freedom of expression and its limits. The existing theories on film-society linkages, the research studies on social impacts of films, in addition to the study of the legal back ground mentioned above revels the ideal limits of artistic expression and moral decency in India. Of late, growing recognition of freedom of expression as a fundamental human right and the arguments against any kind of restriction on that right, coupled with the digital communication technology enabled scope for duplication and delivery of contents questions afresh the role of social films, of course, the socio-cultural conditions of a nation is an equally important factor. So it is the public opinion, defined and redefined by the changing socio-cultural environment that can be a real indicator of the social impacts of films and the need for films on social themes in the country. As such, the study primarily builds on the social survey method of research, a pre-structured questionnaire being the principal tool of data collection. The opinion survey constitutes the primary data, where as the secondary data culled from newspapers, journals, books and of course the Web provides significant input to the study. The universe for the study primarily comprises the academic community, including students, teachers and other academic staff of the universities. To represent the academic community Berhampur University (Odisha), Aligarh Muslim University (Uttar Pradesh), and Gauhatii and Nagalandi universities in the North-Eastern Parts of India were selected. The sample respondents were selected applying the stratified random sampling method. The academic community of the selected universities were identifies as three distinct groups- students, teachers, and academic staff of which 100, 40, and 20 respectively were selected randomly to constitute the sample for the study. While selecting the respondents gender and age have been kept in mind to make the sample a true representative of the universe, despite majority of respondents being post graduate students. All the 160 sample respondents so selected were administered a pre-structured questionnaire comprising 15 questions on various aspects of film ing practices and impacts of films on the society in India. The researcher could collect a total of 128 completed questionnaires of which 80 representing the students, 32 representing the teachers and 16 of the other academic staff. The responses so collected are codified and presented in tables 1-7. The codified and tabulated opinions are analysed using simple statistical techniques including the weighted average method. The alternative responses (say N) to a question are assigned priorities from 1 to N by the respondents. The responses from 1st to Nth priorities are assigned weightages N to 1 respectively and are multiplied by their respective frequencies n1,n2,n3nN-1,nN (number of respondents giving the same priority to a response).The weightage of each priority of a response are added to calculate the total weightage of a response. As such, the total weightage of a response is calculated to be: TW=NXn1+(N-1)Xn2+(N-2)Xn3+. . . . . . . .+N-(N-2)XnN-1+N-(N-1)XnN = NX(1st priority frequency)+(N-1)X(second priority frequency)+(N-2)X(3rd priority frequency)+ +2(N-1)th priority frequency+1(Nth priority frequency) The extracts of the personal interviews of a number of Bollywoodii personalities including actors, directors, producers on the issue of cinema censorship, published in sections of the media, have been incorporated to represent the views of the Indian film industry. 1.6 Public Perception on Cinematic Obligations The respondents were asked to mention the kinds of impact films have on society by selecting the appropriate alternative. The responses so obtained are presented in table-1, which evinces that 14.84 % of the respondents feel that films have positive impact on the society where as 20.31 % of them feel that films have negative impact. But a whopping majority (53.90%) of them agree that films do have impact, positive, negative or both, on the society.07.03 % does not see any impact of films, where as 3.91 % have no idea about social impacts of films. Table-1: What kinds of Impact does films have on the Indian Society? Response No of Respondents % age Positive Impact 19 14.84 Negative Impact 26 20.31 Both positive and negative impact 69 53.90 No impacts 09 07.03 Dont Know 05 3.91 The respondents were asked to mention in order of preference the mentioned positive impacts of films on the society. The responses presented in table -2 revels that the respondents strongly believe that films do have positive impacts in sensitizing the people about urgent social issues. The respondents are also impressed with the role of films as an entertainer. What closely follows these are films release tension and they keep the audience informed and educated on important issues confronting the society. Table-2: Positive Impacts of Films Impact 1st priority 2nd priority 3rd priority 4th priority 5th priority Total weightage Rank order Inform and educate 11(12.5) 13 22 28 14 243 2nd Entertain 25(28.41) 27 22 12 02 325 1st Sensitize about urgent social issues 25(28.41) 26 24 11 02 325 1st Instil positive values 09(10.23) 07 13 27 32 198 4th Release tension 18(20.45) 15 07 10 38 229 3rd TW (Total Weightage) =1st priorityX5+2nd priorityX4+3rd priorityX3+4th priorityX2+5th priorityX1 R (Rank) = rank of total weightage Table-3: Negative Impacts of Films Impact 1st priority 2nd priority 3rd priority 4th priority Total weightage Rank order Teach wrong values 21(22.10) 27 26 21 238 2nd Promotes sex and violence 28(29.47) 25 26 16 254 1st Provide escape route from real problems to a dream world 22(23.16) 18 23 32 220 4th Encourage destructive role models 24(25.26) 25 20 26 235 3rd TW (Total Weightage) =1st priorityX5+2nd priorityX4+3rd priorityX3+4th priorityX2+5th priorityX1 R (Rank) = rank of total weightage Among the negative impacts of films presented in table-3, promoting sex and violence tops the list. The audience closely believes that films provide an escape route from real problems to a dream world. The third major impacts mentioned are teaching wrong values, and encourage destructive role models. A question was asked regarding what should be the primary goal of film making. The respondents were asked to mention the mentioned alternatives in order of priority and the responses so obtained are presented in table-4. Table-4: What should be primary goal of film making? 1st Priority 2nd priority 3rd priority 4th priority 5th priority Total weightage Rank Profit generation 19(14.84) 17 21 28 43 325 5th Presentation of social issues to public notice 23(17.96) 27 18 22 38 359 4th Generate Social Change and development 39(30.47) 36 28 17 08 466 1st Eradication of social evils 21(16.40) 23 29 34 21 373 3rd Promote pro-social values 26(20.31) 25 32 27 18 398 2nd TW (Total Weightage) =1st priorityX5+2nd priorityX4+3rd priorityX3+4th priorityX2+5th priorityX1 R (Rank) = rank of total weightage Data in table-4 transpire that film makers first and foremost artistic obligation should be to try for positive social change through films, closely followed by the goal of promoting pro-social values. Notably, the artistic obligation of creatively presenting a social issue before the public without expecting or suggesting any social change from it, which is the line of thinking of the Avant Garde film makers finds third priority among the respondents. Equal

Friday, September 20, 2019

Self Talk To Stress Management English Language Essay

Self Talk To Stress Management English Language Essay Self-talk can be an inner guide that you can use to guide self to thrive on stress. When you learn how to make use of self-talk tool, you assemble strategies assist you to constructively improvise and discover new tricks to develop healthy skills. Self-talk gives you a flex plan that assists you when you facilitate into confrontations. When you have those tug-of-wars happening in your thoughts, sometimes you need to sit back, open attorney at law to you and see new ideas that direct you to thriving on stress. Sometimes the masquerades built on in your mind will result in successions of mixed changes. Its easy to think it is harder to control stress as soon as your thoughts are cluttered. The mind may cease to be effective properly, which often accumulates blind spots that hinder from achieving your goals. If you create a mindful force to comprehend your stress levels, you can then go to the guide within you which enables you one to thrive on stress. Perhaps you setup bombardments mentally that increase blind spots, which generally develop from negative thinking. The action causes you to criticize your abilities. You commence to choose for you, beating down your choices, which help youre feeling such as the low man for the totem pole. Your confidence, power to use commonsense, self-esteem all dissapear the window. You might have every one of these healthy qualities return however by reading helpful information for thriving on stress. Sometimes you have to make use of own inner learning to discover ways to manage stress. Occasionally, you could feel hopeless, or inadequate, but utilize this feeling in your favor. As opposed to beating you down, begin action to control stress. We will perform a little test for the minute to see what sort of person you are and how you believe. In the event you learn this information about you, you can learn to create changes to boost yourself. Test Negative Thinkers Ask  ¿Ã‚ ½ have you been this person Pessimistic  ¿Ã‚ ½ harmful  ¿Ã‚ ½ off-putting  ¿Ã‚ ½ unconstructive  ¿Ã‚ ½ unenthusiastic  ¿Ã‚ ½ disapproving  ¿Ã‚ ½ depressing  ¿Ã‚ ½ downbeat  ¿Ã‚ ½ unhelpful  ¿Ã‚ ½ refusal  ¿Ã‚ ½ denial Alternatively, are you currently this person positive thinker? Sure, certain without a doubt Irrefutable, conclusive beyond a doubt Optimistic, confident, dedicated to good and never bad Beneficial  ¿Ã‚ ½ productive Affirmative  ¿Ã‚ ½ indicates agreement, wanting to accept feedback Quantifiable  ¿Ã‚ ½ capable measured and detected, Now allow us to thrive on stress by focusing on turning negative thinking around. If you are not only a negative thinker, go ahead and take information like a beneficial which will direct you to enhance yourself further. There are that negative thinkers have doubts, fears, and usually take on that nutrients could happen to them often. They may be in denial.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Keyword  ¿Ã‚ ½ denial provokes fears that will hinder you achieving your goals. In cases like this, you could possibly benefit by reading a guide to subliminal learning. Explore some effort into discover what is holding you back. Get by your hobbyhorse and allow your pony ride by utilizing these negatives as positives to help you to thriving on stress. Seek assist with using self-consult improve your thinking. Unhelpful  ¿Ã‚ ½ if you are a pessimistic soul, then you are not aiding you or anyone surrounding you. Do you need this label for the remainder of yourself? Or else, then thrive within this stressor to figure out ways as a helpful person so that you feel better about you. Moreover, others surrounding you will delight in your enterprise. Obviously, a high level positive thinker you dont need to doubts. This means that youve positive energies that could show you how to success. However, you want to check your self often to create a block and keep doubt from the path. For those who have doubt, something is telling you that you should chose the truth, because only doubt, fears, etc are derived from lies. Therefore, work toward honesty when seeking strategies for thrive on stress. Gain Success by Stress Management Clearly, a high level positive eccentric you dont need to fears or doubts that hinder from success. Your positive energies often show you how, assisting you in the process to attain your goals. As soon as your system is stuffed with doubts, it is advisable to obtain the truthfulness, since cast doubt on, revitalize, etc buzz* from lies. With this in mind, you will need to get the truths about yourself so that you can eliminate these doubts. The Patterns in Stress Management by considering thinking: Denial emerges from doubt and innervates fears that spread like germs mentally lastly in your body. If this is you, explore your mind to feel for precisely what is holding you back. Occurs promotional elaborator by utilizing these antagonistic or negatory thought patterns as positive guides. Seek succor with using self-confidence-talk to enhance your thinking. Self-talk can be an inner guide that one could spend, using your pathfinder for more information on your thoughts. If you explore the mind, you come nearer to recognizing you, which frequently really helps to see clearer. You develop new ideas by conducting mental, therapeutic talk. It is possible to join methods and resources that corrective someone to constructively brainstorm and locate new outlooks to build up healthy skills. Self-talk gives you a flex plan which enables you you when you facilitate into confrontations. Variable you could have those moments when negative opinions take control. Sometimes you should settle back, and permit higher power assume control. At irregular intervals you develop, a clear-sighted compel to be aware of your stress levels, then youre able to see a guide within you that hands you to thrive on stress. Erratically you could possibly structure attacks in your mind that increases blind spots, which often inflates from negative emotions. These negative emotions often emerge after triggered by something, someone, or somewhere, i.e. from a past. Action affords you to criticize your credentials from thinking negative. To thrive on stress you need to be able to convert these thoughts or emotions into positive guides. Youll be able to take advantage of several therapeutic methods. Self-talk, meditation, role-play, etc are wonderful therapy tools for converting some effort into think positive. Sometimes you should exploit your inner attainments to uncover methods to take care of stress. At times, chances are youll feel demoralized, or skimpy, and you can utilize these feelings, turning the negative stress to your advantage. Should you be a type of pessimistic mortal souls, then youre only holding you down from success. In addition, people likely stay away from getting together with you, because nobody wants someone in life thats liable to bring them down. Seek benefit with using inner strength-talk to improve your thinking. At what time you expand your head ¿Ã‚ ½s force to be aware of your stress, after that you can view a mentor within you that correctives one to score on stress. You have to use these strengths to be a guide to thrive on stress. The most effective solutions to handle stress is look at the consequences. Before you start to discover good from thriving on stress, you might welcome any positive influences to steer your way. Your pathfinder within will need that you success. Alternatively, if you see poor results from the decisions, then you definately should note that changes are needed that will help you thrive on stress successfully. Negative thinking only makes you criticize your decisions and abilities. This might turn positive, since when you criticize that you are analyzing you. When you hit this spot, then it is the perfect time to take this negative criticism and transform it around on your behalf. Discover some solutions that can make suggestions to thriving on stress. Stress Management in Focus Solutions Helpful information in how innovative advanced technology choices in Stress Management works: What choices can we have in the latest intellectual enhancements that provide us helpful information for thriving on stress? Are we able to pick the best gimmicks or thingamajig that prompts us to thrive on stress successfully? We have now kinds of Stress Management techniques that devise plans that guide us to relaxation. We now have options in enhancement programs that combine brainpower clarity within the method needed for brain garnish. It really is thought that we are more prone to learn, to ways of allow us to manage brain patterns to create our minds to new rises to maintain today ¿Ã‚ ½s technology. If we are in  ¿Ã‚ ½non-ordinary ¿Ã‚ ½ high court of consciousness, increases from the wit ¿Ã‚ ½s fluctuations and its patterns will vary. Maybe the latest programs then will be the response to promoting thriving on stress. On this conclusion, many programs produce polished sounds with natural content and repetition to assist us learn. In deed, this is a finale sustained by the investigation conducted in virtually everyone ¿Ã‚ ½s discipline of human information studies. Educators, doctors, as well as other racketeers on the intellect have become discovering an array of unique strategies that perhaps can provide enhancing solutions in cleverness of both spin-away and off to learn, amongst drawings, guided imagery, muses, autogenic, chiming breathing, croon, storytelling, choreography, music and refreshment. The informational processes demonstrate that immediately tactics could show the right way to theatrical increases in our aptitude to secure, elicit, and make inventive exploits of informational channels and new ideas. Forecast studies inclined to us, claim many of the Stress Management techniques could model toward panoramic modifications in cerebellum physics and also the brain ¿Ã‚ ½s structural, along with our individual comportments. The mediocre denominator for double quick techniques is of course that every routine fortifies our brain ¿Ã‚ ½s fluctuation by pink medulla-wave amplitude and/or by curtailing cortical potential frequency. The valuable informational processes make-up documents which are beneficial with effecting of advocacy of the brain unpredictable and constant modifications to the principles of encephalon (Vertebrate brain) intensity and science bedizenment. Professionals in psychologist backed several of the latest guides to thriving on stress, by devising mental fashions obligatory to heed and facilitate its practitioners to sculpt their brain to accomplish innovative insights that facade to picturesque awe-inspiring and advantageous behavioral pattern changes. By guiding mental performance to focus, it is thought that we see things clearer, which in turns allow us to see where we can make changes, that reach better decision-making, in turn guides us to regulate stress. Within most of these guides are steps to check out. These series compress steps that show you right deliberating way of thinking while focusing on your environment. Concentration is modified or corrective. With this phase the mind is turned away to provide focus on understanding insightful direct inside the higher subliminal mind and physical responses. One may then reach a focus where his experiences guide toward a  ¿Ã‚ ½Felt shift ¿Ã‚ ½- i.e., a preliminary understanding that may be meticulously occurring by an urgent release of rigidity, a deep emotional of physical relief, along with the sense that this setback or cryptic inkling has become understood. Misunderstandings are unstated or implicit definitions of silent which means need to be explored to master how to thrive on stress successfully. When these meanings go unexplored it contributes to unspoken silence, which will causes doubt, confusion, fear, denial, etc. By exploring a few of the latest techniques, you are able to eliminate this confusion. In each typical case, you might consider a possibility and rebuff it as and answer as you are comprehend it are not what is incentive you; you havent out-and-out that exclusive, inward release. In fine, you obtain the precise answer; which has a  ¿Ã‚ ½felt shift ¿Ã‚ ½, feeling of understanding and satisfaction, a simple release from nervousness, since that eureka three winks which means that youve got solved the condition. Learning the value of relaxation offers that you self-help guide to thriving on stress. The Importance of Relaxation in Stress Management With advanced technology rising, scientists are exploring the important things about electromyography, referred to as EMG machines. Since, some people have nervous disorders that hinder them from Stress Management effectively, innovative solutions are available now, including the latest biofeedback or brain enhancement solutions known as EMG. They measure static electricity from the body. This power is known as potency tension. Immediately after studies in shorten sessions, scientists discovered the abutment or support supplies would spontaneously manufacture advanced orphic proviso within the whole-body and would produce results, such as relaxation. You are able to that meditation joined with stretching- modes without exceptions designed to unwind the muscles slowly move the body to relaxation, which inspires the person to thrive on stress effectively. Because it stands, mind machines or other innovative devices give end-users circumstances of intellectual relaxation. This mitigation rapidly comes about and impulsively in some stages utilize will describe effects occurring straight from the appliance. The results may present instability, novelty and repeated changes. Vaguely after utilizing the machines, a disquieting feeling occurs. As a result, it promotes awareness, which encourages intellectual advancements. Since stress applies to our impeding well-organized thinking credentials and normal brain reactions, it has to find relaxation first so as to consentrate on Stress Management itself. Many humans have efficiently changed their patterns, which enables them to develop additional skills by selecting the right innovative Stress Management themes. Some machines enable you to flee fear by achieving comebacks that assist that you pursue your goals. External triggering events may rush, enforcing the adrenaline to flow smoothly and also to sharpen, thus increasing the hearts low interest rates. This procedure causes the heart to function free flowing blood more swiftly whilst the muscles relax rigidly, tightening your body ¿Ã‚ ½s degree to rise. You have to can experience a greater adrenaline rush. When energy is boosted, you believe clearer, that helps you to view methods to thrive on stress. The threat or demands that trigger these responses are our stressors, this also response is called stress. By these emotional responses, when left unattended to, certifications of skillful beings sporadically eat up the mindless disappointments that grow into disagreement. The havoc consumes our abilities to ideate, or form thoughts that direct something through our coherent and rational channels in the brain. Our space of presence inside mind allows us to contemplate deeply, heavily, and to feel and think positive not until we train it for this. When the mood strikes giving chase with the jungle by way of savage creature, referred to as negative thinking we can fight to find a self-help guide to thrive on stress. To reform this pattern we must prompt our blood and oxygen forces to configurative and channel to encephalon, since our cerebrum (Front brain in which the lobes divide and form symmetrical halves towards the cerebral hemispheres permitting us to participate in activities, reason, learn, sense, and feel) cannot operate normally otherwise. You could potentially, which is the reason people have been conscious to generate emphatically idiotic decisions variable these are within great bet on pressure and/or force. How performs this relate with brain enrichment and erudition? So how exactly does it interfere? Extreme stress contains the same disastrous influence on the capability to know since it does within the chance to think. People under severe stress (death of a hallowed one, or other traumatic event, one example is) believe it is far harder to concentrate and learn productively in comparison with other people in a very more relaxed occasion of mind. The engagement or fleeing responses could become automatic reactions with a single tiring event, nevertheless it can be better durable by helping us to thrive on stress successfully. Learning the measurements in relaxation studies may benefit you also. The Measurements in Innate Abilities in Stress Management How many of the latest brain machines can benefit you with finding your innate secrets and techniques for thriving on stress. A persons ability of commonalities to contact our innate masters is tantamount to of split second it requires being or force ourselves to take it easy. Were giving these fight-by-flight rejoinders that oppose our greatest relax responses within our encephalon (Brain) where triggers these reactions within our creature, or person. Humans often produce a secondary, innate spontaneous effect, or reflex, which almost produces a mirrored picture of our quarrel-or-flight responses. These debilitates provides for us abilities to consentrate straight. In lieu of mobilizing noticeable activities, our secondary setup mobilizes our bodily resources within innate adroitness, or skillfulness. Residuum or residue responses constitute our pulse rate, respiration, blood increases and our gastrointestinal tracts giving us the ability to relax and contract our muscles. This advancement develops one hundredth percent of oxygen, which encourages natural the circulation of blood that streams on the brain. Predominantly a lot of these electrical noise activities in the brain continues to differ from low amplitudes, to swift frequencies of field trial values during which external attention gives us chance to solve problems effectively. The alterations slow, then increase roundness strongly and produces rhythmical alpha and theta waves through which characterizes attention to our innate expedience and are discovered in states of actions, for instance contemplation or meditation. Could these responses as our mitigation, easing response, or the quieting reflex: Because i am buying a guide to thrive on stress, perhaps we can easily benefit by understanding direct changes that happen within the mind and focus for the areas that provide us capacity to relax. Relax responses gives us an innate human quality in contrast in line with scientist as those of traits of mammalians. Based on research, after monitoring animals for just a short time that they had realized that these animals would differ from one state to a new almost spontaneously each and every time. Thus, the animals would curl their tail, stretch, yawn, and fall into a restful state after immediately relaxing. Because we as humans require relaxation, its wisest to educate yourself regarding solutions to relax to thrive on stress. Because we endure dramatic industrialization and urbanization changes, it seems like to learn large roles in this loss or inability to rest more frequently. To reverse the damaged caused on the market changes, scientists are creating a wide range of techniques, programs, etc that encourages relaxation. Fascinatingly, these studies, techniques, programs, etc after opinionates have figured that these states of mitigation responses are pleasant, and will help relieve stress. The results measure to superior performance within our abilities to overpower mental powers. Instinctively, after we discuss the eyeball or mind ¿Ã‚ ½s eye to become cool-directed in a very tense quandary or when solving problems we illustrate the exclusive performers various situations as obtaining the aptitude relax often. We have been prerogative, because several of these programs have proved to be sanctioned or our substitute for use to be a self-help guide to thriving on stress. Lately, scientists conducted a significant measure of research. The researched results presented refreshing aptitudes for humans, along with doubtlessly four leading apparatus for humans to wind down stress. Forthwith companionships of constant, repetitive stimulus, e.g. after using musical loitering techniques and soft natural sounds, thus these latest inventions has which can slowly move the body and mind to relaxation. The effects after studying, amazingly produced a passive stab (that is, the chance to release any distracting or aggravating external events), decreased muscle tonus (this making reference to a comfy and relaxed posture so that the least muscle work is desire) along with a quiet environment, having a decrease in environmental stimuli. Get in on some Photic. Conquering your Problems in Stress Management Have you ever had some of those days you wish it will hurry up and end? It appears as though absolutely nothing is going meets your needs. Think positive, there exists hope. There is something youre able to do to assist you to relax in order that you can clear your brain and think straight. You thinking; huh, ok bed mattress that going to be possible to perform? Is going to do you might like to try, this could enable you to relax some and be able to think right. Exactly what do I actually do that helped me to from per day in this way? On a single of the days, there will be something youre able to do to aid yourself too much. Although you don ¿Ã‚ ½t believe, there may be any answer we have an answer. For on thing you may need to try some relaxation techniques this is something as mediation. If you would like get deep into mediation, you can always take a Yoga class. You could potentially even see a library and obtain books concerning how to be able to teach yourself this system. This is actually a self-teaching course for self-healing. If you find meditation, doesn ¿Ã‚ ½t work test something such as aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is always good to help you clear a cloudy head with a a lot of extra stress lying on your back. Try aromatherapy within a quiet room yourself, with a few candles. Quite time is actually good in order to up the head and relax. You should try getting a hot bath with a few candles hanging out. Ignore the lights and hang up on some soft music, and just relax unless you feel like you are likely to turn to a prune. There are plenty of things that that you can do to unwind so that you can have the ability to employ a clear mind for making the proper choices today. The way I am aware as i should want to do something to help you to my head? This is totally your choice to make the decision, but a majority of people know when they are getting all emphasize and should not think straight. Stress forces you to think that your head is really cloudy making you seem like nothing. Therefore, when this happens you need to just relax and perform a little processes to assist you to be capable of think straight. What else will stress because of you and your health? Stress isnt the best thing in any respect; it may cause you to feel like your dying inside. It may also cause you to have heart trouble, make you have strokes, and perhaps go into a depression also. Nobody wants this to occur to your ex and that means you have to take a hold of things and discover ways to eliminate this unwanted stress in your own life. How could i stop stress from hitting me? Nothing is that you can do to hold stress out of your life; are looking for your inner feelings and the way to control them. Stress will take you where you might ignore it then it really is almost past too far to get rid of it. Therefore, you need to find some way to regulate it now before it controls you. What exactly I have said may work with one but not for another therefore you have to decide after that work for you and select it. Whether or not this can not work then try something until it does work. There are many strategies that can be done to further improve your self for thriving in stress. Inner Source for Battling Stress We all deal with stress, which mostly youll find nothing you can apply to hold stress from a era; are looking for your inner feelings furthermore tips on how to control them. Stress requests to look at you in terms of you can neglected then it really is almost too far gone to control it when stress gets unmanageable. Therefore, you need to find some solutions to make panel now before it controls you. You need to simply find what really works, but you will offer an inner guide that if you explore will help you thrive on stress in a very positive way. If it will not labor then try something although it does labor. Many programs allow you to research are many methods you can apply to further improve your inner strength for thriving in stress. If you have those times you wish it will just end to enable you to get along with your life, attempting to concerns stress. Often you may think your world is tumbling down. Think positive, there may be assuming in your case. You can utilize your inner secrets and techniques for assist you relax so that you are able to clear your face and imagine straight. What you might consider, this may assist you to unwind some as well as have the ability to think right. Are looking for your focal feelings and how to console them. Burden exert take you as far as you enjoin overlook it and it can be around besides late to get rid of it. Therefore, you need to find some solution to control it now before it controls you. The points We have said may labor for one rather than for something more important and that means you ought to elect after that meet your needs and choose it. Stress can also cause you to have heart trouble, mean you can have strokes, and perhaps begin a depression likewise. No one wants this to chance upon to your ex and that means you require having a hold of things and getting a way to get rid of this unwanted stress in your own life. Tension forces you to sense that the mind is indeed cloudy making you seem like nothing. Ergo, 2 youll want to just unlax or unwind and perform a little techniques to assist you to be able to think straight. However , you might regard stress as the enemy, theres something you can apply to restore your friend. You might like to try some hidden breathing techniques this is within the compose of interposition. In order to get incisive into mediation, it is possible to consistently please take a Yoga class. You might even see a library and information studies and acquire books in order to learn to teach yourself this system. It is truly a self-teaching truly for aplomb-natural medicine. If you find meditation, doesn ¿Ã‚ ½t work try similar to aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is actually select to utility clear a crepuscular head that has a load of tension on the repel. Try aromatherapy in a hush room yourself, with a few illuminations. Quiet time is without exception satisfactory to clear in the head combined with relax. You bent want to try getting a hot bath by incorporating Roman candles sitting around. Ignore the lights furthermore place on some rounded music; also just relax in anticipation of having a sensation like you will choose a prune. There are plenty of stuff that that you can do to chill in order that you have the ability to possess a clear mind to generate the requisite choices these days. *******

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Japan Technology :: essays research papers

â€Å"Success is never a destination - it is a journey† (Satenig St. Marie) and there is a company that understands that journey. Kodak has been around for many years providing families around the world with innovative and high quality products. Many homes worldwide recognize and associate film with the Kodak name. â€Å"The company ranks as a premier multinational corporation, with a brand recognized in virtually every country around the world† (Kodak History). However, the changes in technology create a dilemma for Kodak. The company’s considerations for digital imaging will change its long history with 35mm film production. Will the shift from 35mm to digital imaging affect Kodak’s successful journey? To find an answer to this question, we must analyze Kodak from an economic perspective. An economic perspective views many different factors and determines whether it is in Kodak’s best interest to pursue digital imaging, will give enough evidence to support a rational decision. The era of digital photography is well under way. After surpassing sales of film cameras in 2003, the demand for digital devices in the US and other developed markets continues to swell. According to market research firm IDC, during the first nine months of 2004, â€Å"U.S. shipments of digital still cameras grew by close to 50%, vs. the same period in 2003. Conversely, we think U.S. shipments of traditional film cameras declined at a double-digit rate in 2004, and we expect a similar drop in 2005† (Stice). With the technology currently available, digital photography holds several major advantages over traditional film photography. The benefits can be categorized by cost, time, and versatility (Bhatia). Kodak wisely restructured its manufacturing to remain a strong competitor in the industry’s market demand for traditional 35mm film. Film cameras are slowly declining in existing markets. Kodak takes full advantage of the situation by shifting its core focus to the increasingly demanded digital imaging technologies. But since emerging markets continue their demand for traditional products, an efficient number of production factors are still available in China and India, where Kodak will continue service and support products for existing markets. Their strategy is to fill the profit gap left from traditional product sales losses with sales gains from the new digital products plus gain top market share. In 2004, Kodak Operating Systems (KOS), charged with Kodak’s Manufacturing and Logistics, began making manufacturing plans to restructure decisions as they realized the opportunity costs of having un- or under-used factors of production at PPC1 (See Fig.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Nursing - Unprofessional Conduct :: Nursing Essays

Nursing - Unprofessional Conduct Unprofessional Conduct according to the Arkansas State Board of Nursing is detailed in ASBN Rules and Regulations, Chapter 7, Section XV, #6. The section states the following conduct are considered unprofessional. Failing to assess, evaluate, and intervene, Incorrect documentation, Missappropriation of residents property, Medication and Treatment errors, Performing or attempting to perform procedures that the nurse is untrained to do, Violating confidentiality. Neglect/Abuse or failure to report these incidents, Failing to report violations or attempted violations to the ASBN, Inappropriate delegation of duties, Failing to supervise, Practicing when unfit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To report alleged violations to the ASBN. The person reporting must put the complaint in writing and send to the ASBN. Anyone can report violations to the ASBN but Nurses are obligated to report to the ASBN. When reporting they want the sentinel event or the violation and patterns of behavior of the individual. The written complaint must contain Who, What, When, Where. What is Abandonment? According to the ASBN abandonment is broken down into two categories patient abandonment and job abandonment. Patient abandonment is the nurse taking the assignment and establishing a nurse-patient relationship then severing that nurse-patient relationship without giving reasonable notice to the appropriate person (supervisor, employer) so that arrangements can be made for continuation of nursing care by others. The employer may have another meaning of abandonment, staying over shifts when there is no relief, making the nurse work on scheduled off days. These situations are not governed by ASBN and are not punishable. The employer can fire you for these offenses though.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ABSN have set guidelines for convictions for crimes that bar you from holding license in the state of Arkansas. These convictions are as stated. Capital murder, murder 1st and 2nd degree, battery 1st degree, sexual indecency/assault, incest, child pornography, offenses against the family, felony adult abuse, theft of property, promotion of prostitution 1st degree, stalking, arson, endangering the welfare of a minor 1st degree, aggravated robbery, terrorist threatening 1st degree, kidnapping, robbery, violations of uniform controlled substances act. If an nurse that is convicted of one of these crimes may voluntarily surrender there license. When the court requirements are met the convicted nurse may submit a request for a wavier. With the waiver request the nurse must provide evidence that thee court order has been met, rehabilitation, and provide letters of reference.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Express Luxury Lines

Empress Luxury Lines Angela D. Davis Strayer University Management 500 Dr. Prakash Menon April 29, 2012 Abstract This critical analysis case of Empress Luxury Lines is based on circumstances of ethical dilemmas and challenges of top level managers and their employees faced with decisions on what anyone person or persons would do against making ethical decisions. In this case study, we note that the employee has to make choices for doing what he believes is right for him even though it may cause possible termination.Despite of the needed computer upgrade for the Empress Luxury Liner for Empress, top management issues was to find other ways to limit cost. The luxury liner had fallen on hard times due to numerous factors some of which was not controllable by this business. In this case analysis we will explore how right or wrong decision making can create ethical dilemmas for a business. Faced with such dilemmas, we will try to understand how in decision making for the employees, manage rs, CFO’s affects the business entity.Empress Luxury Lines ANALAYZE ANTONIO’S ETHICAL DILEMMA Antonio Melendez, a two year employee of Empress Luxury Lines was starting to feel as stated by Daft, â€Å"finally found a way to fund the computer system upgrade he’d been requesting ever since he’d taken the job two years ago† ( 2010, p. 150). Antonio, being that he was only on the job two years, and Kevin Pfeiffer, the new hire, the ethical decision dilemma for them was in facing the truth about the power surge damaged that struck the ship to its onboard computer system.Antonio knew that the risk in defrauding the insurance company of the true nature of what happened to the computer system onboard the ship could have dire consequences for him and Kevin. Kevin told the truth to his supervisor Phil Bailey, of the $15,000 computer damaged and was told to report back only to his boss Phil Bailey. Kevin did exactly what he believed would be great news of th e minimum fixable damage, but Phil was not happy. Instead, Kevin was instructed to remove and destroy all the wires and the cables and haul them elsewhere so that the insurance adjuster upon arrival would not know the difference in the damage.Kevin refused choosing to make the intelligent ethical decision to not due as instructed and to not become part of a fraud scheme or the culture of top management habitually submitting fraudulent claims. Antonio appreciated Kevin’s integrity of making the best decision to not do as he was asked to do for Empress and his boss Phil Bailey. Antonio knew of years before he was hired, Empress Luxury Lines in the 1990’s, were a healthy business. The cruise liner had unprecedented demand by consumers to sail on its luxury liner. Unfortunately, with external threats of unforeseen causes, such as the 9/11 attacks in the U.S. , the Hurricanes of 2005, and the Norwalk Virus outbreak, Empress’s volume of tourist booking travel by ship fell off drastically. Empress had to refund monies to its clients for cruises they could not use due to these uncertainties. In essence, contingency planning was enacted to respond to the unexpected conditions of weather, terrorism, and medical emergencies. The current rising demand of fuel cost to sail the cruse liner, slashed into the luxury liner’s profits. This is why Antonio could not or did not see his fervent request to have monies to upgrade the ships computer system was not accepted.Until the damage of the computer system was verbally reported to Bailey, then the accepted practices of Empress by top management of fraud which was readily the condone nature, the assurance of Kevin, or Antonio being protected under the Whistle-blower act was essentially an ignored, systemic practice and rooted in the business climate culture from top to bottom. CREATE AND DESCRIBE TWO STRATEGIES In this case analysis the strategies to best describe how to address Antonio’s ethica l dilemma would be by using two approaches in ethical decision making.The approaches that can best address Antonio’s in this case study are the Utilitarian Approach and the Individualism Approach. These approaches best describe how Antonio should handle the situation at hand. The utilitarian approach by definition Daft , â€Å" the ethical concept that moral behaviors produce the greatest good for the greatest number† (2010, p. 132). This approach Antonio is ethical decision maker and he understands the consequences of actions and plans to benefit for the greater good for Empress.If Antonio chooses to use this approach he has the pulse of the organizations systemic practices but he has to figure out how to lead by example while limiting potential dire results for Empress by reporting what really happened to the insurance adjuster and authorities. If Antonio decides to stay quiet and do nothing he knows the risk and the ethical investigation that could ensue by law. The decision to do nothing hurts but if this is his decision, to help defraud the insurance company, the upside is that Empress will have a upgraded and repaired computer system.I would equate the 2008 fraud case involving the SBA Program of widespread fraud with the HUBZone Empowerment Contracting program similar to how systemic practices of obvious fraud with rewarding contracts to business firms who were not eligible to receive such funding. Bruce Causseaux, a senior level specialist stated, â€Å"Three main factors worked to encourage the fraud, he says: the lure of several billion dollars of federal contracting, an SBA control process that largely relied on inadequately verified self-certified information and a clear message that, even if caught, the punishment would not match the crime† (Wilson, 2008 p. 0). This article exemplifies the seriousness that when it all goes wrong, in the utilitarian approach the benefit yielded still the lesser of a potentially disastrous resul t. The individualism approach’s by definition Daft, â€Å"the ethical concept that acts are moral when they promote the individual’s best long-term interest† (2010, p. 132). This approach helps Antonio because he believes in the fundamental rights of individuals in the ethical decision making process.If Antonio chooses to avoid the systemic behavior by Empress because it will impede on a persons right then he would be ethically deciding to go against the grain of behavior even though he knows he may lose his job by telling the truth. The issue with this approach who determines the legitimacy of what is ethical or not about the way the cruise liner decides to conduct its business. Antonio/s plan of action hangs on the real balancing act of being loyal only to himself, to the health of the company and or lastly, for the greatest good of Empress.Antonio has to really be comfortable in which ever decision ethically he will make. ASSESS THE PROS AND CONS The pros and cons of the utilitarian approach if Antonio so believes is the best approach he has the option to weigh the differences looking at how his decision will effect his fellow coworkers. For this case analysis, I believe the utilitarian is better suited for Antonio because this approach is not a selfish approach but more in line with having the thoughtfulness of care and concern for others and how his ethical decision could harm everyone.Antonio does not consider he is just a lone wolf in this decision process because he sees the dilemma as equal parts to be held by together by the belief of all. Antonio relies on the method of substance process quantitatively in his overall objective to be fair for the consideration of the whole in making a just, moral, and pro ethical decision. The utilitarian approach con is in understanding and recognizing the cost benefits of his decision. This approach does not allow for room to be appeasing to all of his coworkers and this approach can cause harm . The end does not always justify the means as this approach states.In the con of this approach, can Antonio assume the result of perhaps not being ethically honest could yield a positive result no matter of the facts presented to the insurance adjuster? This may happen and he is still left with the decision did he do his best in rising above the fray to do his ethical duty. The pros and con of the individualism approach on the pro side is Antonio will be respecting the rights of his coworkers and doing what is best for the common good of Empress. Antonio will also be protecting his rights as an individual which is a benefit for him.Antonio has to be careful in upholding for pro rights to not step over the rights of others. A con of the individual approach is could be the true meaning in defining a person’s fundamental rights. This is a con of this approach because in the U. S. we have included our U. S. Constitution the Bill of Rights. If Antonio thinks this is the best appr oach because the Empress sails in international waters Antonio has to have consideration for the international laws of other countries which the U. S. Constitution with the Bill of Rights won’t apply.Another con of this approach is that it is a selfish approach and can entice Antonio to consider only his needs and not the concerns of others. DECIDE ON WHICH STRATEGY TO TAKE Given the two approaches of utilitarian and individualism, I would choose the individualism approach for this case analysis if I was in Antonio’s position. I am not a selfish person by nature and in making business decisions I know that the ability to think in ethical decision making when a problem presents itself one has to be ready, willing and able to perform the task of airing on the side of fairness.I have had similar instances as Antonio in being the one who has to be concerned for his self but by being this way, you ultimately do decide for the good all in the process of ethically doing what is best for the future long term health of the company. Individualism by behavior alone can ensure fellow coworkers that action done ethically for the best business ethical decision outcome is in the best interest of the whole. This action inspires cohesiveness and conformity in our feelings of our behavior.In their book If Your Life were a Business, would you Invest in It? (2003), Eckblad and Kiel states, â€Å"When we acknowledge these feelings in ourselves and reflect on them, we often find their origin in one or more situations where we wish we had had the courage to have challenged someone or done something differently† and â€Å"businesslike thinking and planning are no guarantee that there will be â€Å"good† or courageous people in either jobs or our live† (Eckblad & Kiel, 2008, p. 37). The individualism approach has worked well for me in my business endeavors and personal life. My willingness to be fair, but yet knowing what ever decisions I make whethe r they are ethically based on a ethical dilemma or not, I firmly understand that not all decisions I chose to make was good for the whole and that you can not know the true value of the dilemma in your decision choice of how it will relate to other employees or coworkers. This is the dilemma for Antonio.I do think his best method of approach would be using the individualism approach for Empress Luxury Lines. He will not please all but he will be ethically making the best decision for the greater good of the company. References Daft, Richard L. (2010). Management. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Eckblad, John, & Keil, David (2003). If your Life Were a Business, Would You invest in It?. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Wilson, Sarah (2008, November), Fraud Rattles SBA Program. Entrepreneur, 30.